Your Differences Are Your Greatest Superpower
Your Differences Are Your Greatest Superpower

In order to get your new biz up and running, I’m guessing you spend your days trying to get through what seems like an endless To Do list. You feel stressed and anxious as you tough it out on the hamster wheel, trying to make some leeway. I hear you.

Perhaps by the time you arrive at your allocated timeframe to look at getting a logo, it’s time to pick up the kids and that window slams shut, wedged between homework and throwing something together for dinner.
Or maybe your head is spinning from trying to do all the things at once and you are swimming in a sea of quotes for things you’ve never even heard of.
You don’t want to burn out before you begin, because this business idea is really freaking good and you want to succeed at it.


I‘m Amanda, and I help new businesses look professional without the expensive price tag.
I’ve walked in those well-worn heels of yours, feeling that same stress and excitement that comes with seeing your new business come to life right before your eyes.
I’ve chased all of the shiny things and wonder webinars that tell you very little and expect a lot from you.
It seems like there are an awful lot of people out there selling a dream with a hefty price tag. Tales of six figures in six months are everywhere you look, yet their prices are just not anywhere near your budget.
You want to know how to get this little biz idea up and running in the quickest way possible. I’m here to help.

Today, I run a successful branding and illustration business, focusing on products that you can utilize in your business. From logo designs, to colour schemes, to graphics and customized illustration. I’ve spent years honing in on what’s really important when just getting started, and I want to teach it to you so you stop chasing all-the-things and are up and running in no time.
Let’s face it, there’s so much going on when you start out. You don’t need to be getting overwhelmed with trying to design a brand also. I provide options for you: for do-it-yourself types and do-it-for-you types.
Would you like to come on an adventure with me and experience a new way of branding?
If it’s a “Hell Yes!” there are 3 ways we can work together:
My Unique Brand Styling Formula …
WHICH bombshell brand ARE YOU?
Branding specifically can reap many rewards and is essential to a well put together brand.
And to make things easier on you, I’ve simplified my branding process into 4 distinctive but memorable types – Marilyn, Grace, Audrey, and Elizabeth.
Taking inspiration from our timeless female icons, these 4 fabulous Hollywood bombshells provide an easy guide for you in selecting the colours, patterns, and other styling elements in your brand styling formula.

Products In Store Now …

Get my Colour Companion E-Book FREE!
» Make your brand design super easy
» Choose the best colours for your brand
» Send the right message to your audience
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